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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 16(2); 2005 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2005;16(2): 113-117.
실험적 성대마비 개에서 자가이개연골의 성대근육내 주입 후 조직학적 변화 : 2년 후 결과
이병주1, 이진춘1, 전경명1, 고의경1, 노환중1, 이창훈2, 왕수건1
1부산대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
2부산대학교 의과대학 병리학교실
Histology of Injected Autologous Auricular Cartilage in the Paralyzed Canine Vocal Fold at Two Year
Byung-Joo Lee1, Jin-Choon Lee1, Kyong-Myong Chon1, Eui-Kyung Goh1, Hwan-Jung Roh1, Chang-Hun Lee2, Soo-Geun Wang1
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
2Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
Background and Objectives
: Vocal fold augmentation by injectable material under direct visual control is an easy and simple operation. However, when autologous fat or bovine collagen is used, the resoiption creates a problem. And autologous fascia is debating about absorption now days. We previously reported on the one year results of injected autologous auricular cartilage for volumetric augmentation in paralyzed canine vocal cord. This study evaluates the long-term histomorphologic results of injected autologous auricular cartilage for the augmentation of the paralyzed canine vocal fold at two year. Material and Methods . A prospective trial of autologous cartilage augmentation of vocal cord in animal model. Three dogs were operated upon. A piece of auricular cartilage was harvested from the ear and minced into tiny chips with a scalpel. Fat was harvested from inguinal area and minced with a scalpel. The minced cartilage and fat-paste (0.2ml) was injected using a pressure syringe into the paralyzed thyroarytenoid muscle using direct laryngoscopy. Three animals were sacrificed at 2 years. Each subject underwent laryngectomy and serial coronal sections of paraffin blocks from the posterior vocal fold were made.
There was no significant complication perioperatively and during follow-up. The injected cartilage which appeared to have lost viability existed in the vocalis muscles until 24 months. Fibrotic change was exhibited in the surrounding injected cartilage.
: The autologous auricular cartilage graft is well tolerated and may be very effective material for volumetric augmentation on paralyzed vocal cord.
KEY WORDS: Vocal cord paralysis; Autologous cartilage graft;Histology.;
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