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5 |
Effect of Frenulotomy in Tongue-Tie : Focused on Alveolar Sounds
안서지, 양해동, 김병철, 신지철, 고중화
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):5-11.
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Voice Analysis and Videostroboscopic Findings before and after Laryngomicrosurgery of Intracordal Cysts
고윤우, 배정호, 윤현철, 정태영, 김광문, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):12-19.
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Comparative Study of Pre and Postoperative Voice and Image Analysis in Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis and Vocal Polyp
김시찬, 정유삼, 홍정표, 오정석, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):20-27.
28 |
Clinical Analysis of Recurrence in Inflammatory Laryngeal Disease after Laryngomicrosurgery
김영선, 김진호, 박문규, 유홍균, 오준환, 최종욱
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):28-31.
32 |
The Effect of Singing Therapy on Classical Singers with Voice Problems
문영일, 홍현정, 신혜정, 박애경, 정성민
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):32-38.
39 |
The Utility of Accent Method as a Supplementary Treatment after Surgery of Vocal Nodule and Laryngeal Polyp
박혜성, 박영실, 최두영, 김상윤, 유승주, 남순열
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):39-45.
46 |
Voice Changes in Women Treated for Endometriosis
서민철, 주준범, 남순열
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):46-50.
51 |
The Effect of Voice Disorders on Quality of Life(QOL) in the Korean
송윤경, 심현섭, 권기환, 이경철, 이용배, 진성민
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):51-63.
64 |
Effect of Short-Term Endotracheal Intubation on Vocal Function
장혁기, 강무완, 최정환, 유영삼, 우훈영, 윤자복
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):64-68.
69 |
Voice Range Profiles of Trained Classical Singers
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):69-75.
76 |
Alterations of Mucosal Vibration of True Vocal Folds on Tongue-Tip Trill : Preliminary Study Using the Electroglottography
진성민, 반재호, 김남훈, 이경철, 권기환, 이용배
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):76-80.
81 |
Outcomes for Patients with Submucous Cleft Palate Accompanying Hypernasality Treated with Double Opposing Z-plasty
김현준, 김진영, 배정호, 김광문, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):81-86.
87 |
Prevalence of Laryngo-pharyngeal Reflux(LPR) Related Symptoms at the Out Patient Department in Korea : One Week Survey
김형태, 서장수, 왕수건, 조재식, 최건, 홍기환, 김석일, 이원철, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):87-97.
98 |
The Acoustic and Aerodynamic Aspects of Patients with Spasmodic Dysphonia
이주환, 김인섭, 고윤우, 오종석, 배정호, 윤현철, 최성희, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):98-103.
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A Study of Acoustic Characteristics of Two Syllables Words and Sustained Vowel
채윤정, 김범규, 홍기환
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2000;11(1):104-112.