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Oropharyngeal Complications Associated with Laryngomicrosurgery(LMS)
강진욱, 최승효, 남순열
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):5-9.
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A Comparison Study of the Surgical Outcome According to the Surgical Technique
홍원표, 서용석, 송미현, 양해동, 김성수
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):10-15.
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The Effectiveness of Electroglottographic Parameters in Differential Diagnosis of Laryngeal Cancer
송인무, 고의경, 전경명, 권순복, 김기련, 전계록, 김광년, 정동근, 조철우
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):16-25.
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The Relationship between Reflux Laryngitis and Snoring and Sleep Apnea Related Symptom
최지호, 김미라, 안철민
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):26-29.
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Prediction of Post-Treatment Outcome of Pathologic Voice Using Voice Synthesis
이주환, 최홍식, 김영호, 김한수, 최현승, 김광문
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):30-39.
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The Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A for the Vocal Fold Granuloma
김정홍, 김한수, 남지인, 장정현, 김지훈, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):40-46.
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The Results of Voice Assessment after Type IV Thyroplasty in a Transgender(Male to Female, MTF) - A Case Report -
김한수, 이성은, 박태준, 최홍식
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):47-50.
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A Case of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with Unilateral Vocal Fold Palsy and Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
박경호, 김동현, 조승호, 김형태
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):51-53.
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Spasmodic Dysphonia Induced by Valproic Acid
오지영, 조현지, 박기덕, 정성민
J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop. 2003;14(1):54-56.