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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 7(1); 1996 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1996;7(1): 43-49.
청각장애자를 위한 원격조음훈련시스템의 개발
이재혁1, 유선국2, 박상희1
1연세대학교 전기공학과2연세대학교 의용공학과
Remote Articulation Training System for the Deafs
In this study, remote articulation training system which connects the hearing disabled trainee and the speech therapist via B-ISDN is introduced. The hearing disabled does not have the hearing feedback of his own pronuciation, and the chance of watching his speech organs movement trajectory will offer him the self-training of articulation. So the system has two purposes of self articulation training and trainer's on-line checking in remote place. We estimate the vocal tract articultory movements from the speech signal using inverse modelling and display the movement trajectoy on the sideview of human face graphically. The trajectories of trainees articulation is displayed along with the reference trajectories, so the trainee can control his articulating to make the two trajectories overlapped. For on-line communication and ckecking training record the system has the function of video conferencing and tranferring articulatory data.
KEY WORDS: Remote training;Articulation trajectory estimation;
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