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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 7(1); 1996 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1996;7(1): 39-42.
농자 음성의 주파수 변동율 및 진폭 변동율
Jitter and Shimmer of the Deaf Voice
Ok-ran Jeong
Department of Speech Pathology Taegu University
The present study analyed jitter and shimmer of the deaf in 4 different voicing conditions. Thirty-two male subjects and 27 female subjects participated in the study on a voluntary basis. The age ranged from 6 to 18 for male and 8 to 21 for female subjects. The subjects were either congenitally or prelingually deaf The four different voicing conditions included /a/ prolongation, counting, reading, and conversation. The experiment utilized CSL Visi-Pitch Model 6095(Kay Elemetrics Corp.) to sample and analyze the data. Both jitter and shimmer means were higher than the threshold values(normative data) reported. In addition, this investigation performed two separate 2-factor ANOVAs in order to determine if jitter and shimmer change as a function of gender and voicing condition. The results showed the following. First of all there was the gender effect on shimmer but not on jitter, in that male subjects 'shimmer was higher than females'. secondly, there was the voicing condition effect both on jitter and shimmer. /a/ prolongation and reading produced lower jitter than counting and conversation. /a/ prolongation produced lower shimmer than the remaining conditions. Finally, no interaction between gender and voicing condition existed.
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