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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 8(2); 1997 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1997;8(2): 166-172.
Dr. Speech Science를 이용한 정상 및 후두질환 환자의 음향분석
이형석, 태경, 장경진, 김경우, 김경래, 박철원
한양대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
Acoustic Analysis of Normal and Vocal Pathologic Voice Using Dr. Speech Science
Background : For example, aerodynamic study, vibratory study, acoustic study, neuro-muscular test and psychoacoustic evaluation, a number of objective methods are now available for assessing pathologic voice change. They help to differentiate pathologic condition from normal condition and to monitor pathologic and aging change. These laboratory analyses are used commonly to monitor speech therapy and to follow a patient's recovery after surgery. Objectives : We investigated the values of jitter, shimmer and NNE of normal person and hoarseness patients in Korea. The values of Jitter and shimmer might be meaningful parameters distinguishing pathologic vibration from normal and recovery after surgery.
Materials and Method
s : Statistical significance between normal control and 48 subjects taken microlaryngeal surgery were compared with Dr. speech science program that is computerized system for acoustic analysis of voice production employed to determine vocal characteristics of pitch perturbation(jitter) and amplitude perturbation(shimmer).
: The mean normal values of jitter and shimmer were 0.226${pm}$0.110(%), 2.200${pm}$0.421(%) in male and 0.164${pm}$0.060(%), 2.063 ${pm}$0.575(%) in female. In patients with vocal nodule, the preoperative and postoperative values of jitter and shimmer were valueless. In patients with vocal polyps, the preoperative and postoperative values of jitter and shimmer were valuable.
: Dr. speech science program was effective to monitor laryngeal disease and aging changes.
KEY WORDS: Dr. speech science;Shimmer;Jitter;Vocal polyp;Vocal nodule;
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