Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1997;8(2): 173-177. |
소아애성에 영향을 주는 환경에 대한 연구 |
안철민1, 박상준2, 이건영3 |
1을지의과대학 노원을지병원 이비인후과학교실2성애병원 이비인후과3광명성애병원 이비인후과 |
Environments of Hoarseness in Children |
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The speech movements are acquired activity, not determined by instincts or by biologic inheritance either. The child listens to the sound from the surrounding persons, observes the speech movement of the people and tried to imitate them. Then the child acquires their specific phonation pattern. We guessed that the parents influences to the child are very important in the developing of the speech movements. Because the parents are first contact person to the baby. The recognition of parents about the voice changes in the child will be important too. And social environments such as kindergarden, school, friends contact with, can influence to the voice of the child. We investigated the state of the voice, parents influence and social environmental factor. In the bases of this study, we knew that the parents recognition about the voice changes of child, faulty vocal habits of child, social environmental factors influenced to the voice of child. And we thought we have to do our best for the early detection of voice changes and proper treatment. |
Voice change;Childhood;Parent; |