Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1998;9(1): 79-85. |
연령에 따른 정상인의 후두 위치 및 발화 기저주파수의 변화에 대한 연구 |
홍기환1, 김현기2, 정경수1, 윤희완1, 김성완1 |
1전북대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실2전북대학교 의과대학 음성실험 |
A Study for the Changes of Laryngeal Position and Vocal Pitch with Ageing Process |
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Changes in the human voice occur between infancy and old age and reflect a myriad of biological changes that influence the size, shape, and physical properties of the larynx. The human larynx is located near the base of the neck and attached inferiorly to the trachea and opens superiorly into the pharynx. The larynx by the third month of fetal life has the same features recognizable at birth. The fundamental frequency of vocal fold vibration generally becomes higher in early age, lower in middle age, and higher in old age. These decreases in Fo undoubtedly result from a combination of factors, consisting of modest increase in length and mass of the muscle and connective tissues of the vocal fold. But the level of the larynx in the neck may be closely connected with Fo directly, high larynx in related with high pitch and low larynx with low pitch. The purpose of this study is to determine the developmental level difference from child to adult larynx using conventional radiography, and the change of speaking fundamental frequency from second decade to sixth decade. |
Laryngeal position;Vocal pitch;Ageing process; |