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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 9(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 1998;9(2): 115-127.
인후두위산역류증(Laryngopharyngeal Reflux : LPR) 관련 증상에 대한 시사프리드(Cisapride)의 효과
최홍식1, 고중화2, 김광문3, 김광현4, 김민식5, 김영모6, 김찬우7, 김춘동8, 김형태5
1연세의대 이비인후과, 음성언어의학연구소2아주의대, 이비인후과3연세의대 이비인후과4서울의대 이비인후과5가톨릭의대 이비인후과6인하의대 이비인후과7가천의대 이비인후과8이화의대 이비인후과
Efficacy Profile of Cisapride in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux(LPR)-Related Symptoms(Open Multicenter Case Study & Open Multicenter Case Study between Cisapride & Ranitidine)
Laryngopharyngeal reflux(LPR) is one firm of the gastroesophageal reflux diseases(GERD). It is known to cause various kinds of otolaryngologic symptoms such as hoarseness, foreign body sensation in throat, chronic throat clearing, chronic cough, etc. Disease entities diagnosed by otolaryngologists as posterior laryngitis, globus pharyngeus should be suspected as LPR-related diseases. In this multi-center trial, we tried to evaluate the effect of cisapride(10mg tid) on LPR-related symptoms as the part I study(CIS-KOR-051) in 19 centers, and as the part II study(CIS-KOR-052) comparative evaluation of effect between cisapride(10mg tid) and ranitidine(150mg bid) on LPR-related symptoms in 4 centers. In part I study, efficacy of cisapride on LPR-related symptoms after 4 weeks was 53.5% and that of after 8weeks was 77.9% in per protocol(PPA) analysis group. In part II study, efficacy of the cisapride was much better than that of ranitidine not only from 8 weeks trial(p<0.001) but also from 4 weeks trial(p<0.021) in PPA group. In the multiple logistic regression analysis among the parameters which affect the efficacy of the treatment, cisapride prescribed group showed 10 times greater than that of ranitidine prescribed group(p<0.0001, Odds ratio : 10) in PPA group. LPR was proved by 24Hr double probe pHmetry in 13 patients out of 19 patients tested(68.4%). Thus these results indicated that inducing the improvement of motility functions could affect the amelioration of the LPR-related symptoms much better than reducing acid secretion from the stomach. And maybe it suggests that LPR-related symptoms mainly developed by the reduced motility functions of the esophagus and/or delayed gastric emptying.
KEY WORDS: Laryngopharyngeal reflux(LPR);Globus pharyngeus;Posterior laryngitis;Cisapride;Ranitidine;
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