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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 12(2); 2001 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2001;12(2): 126-132.
흰쥐에서 편측 반회후두신경 재지배 후 Phopholipase C-$gamma$1(PLC-$gamma$1)의 발현과 후두기능회복과의 관계
정성민1, 신혜정1, 김성숙2, 김문정1, 윤선옥1, 박수경1, 신유리1, 김진경1
1이화여자대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실2울산대학교 의과대학 병리학교실
Enhanced Expression of Phospholipase C-$gamma$1 in Regenerating Murine Neuronal Cells by Pulsing Electromagnetic Field
Background and Objectives
: Signal traduction through phospholipase C(PLC) participate in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Growth factors bind to their receptors and thereby induce tyrosine phophorylation of the phospholipase C-${gamma}$1(PLC-${gamma}$1). PLC-${gamma}$1 is a substrate for several receptor tyrosine kinases and its catalytic activity is increased by tyrosine phosphorylation. Tyrosine kinase phosphorylation of PLC-${gamma}$1 stimulates PLC activation and cell proliferation. However the signal transduction pathway and the significance of PLC in injured recurrent laryngeal nerve regeneration is unknown. Therefore after we obtained fuctionally recovered rats using PEMF in this study, we attempt to provide some evidence that PLC plays a role in nerve regeneration itself and regeneration related to PEMF through the analysis of the difference between fucntional recovery group and non-recovery group in the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Materials and Method
: Using 32 healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats, transections and primary anastomosis were performed on their left recurrent laryngeal nerves. Rats were then randomly assigned to 2 groups. The experimental group(n=16) received PEMS by placing them in custom cages equipped with Helm-holz coils(3hr/day, 5days/wk, for 12wk). The control group(n=16) were handled the same way as the experimental group, except that they did not receive PEMS. Laryngo-videoendoscopy was performed before and after surgery and followed up weekly. Laryngeal EMG was obtained in both PCA and TA muscles. Immunohistochemisty staining and Western blotting analysis using monoclonal antibody was performed to detect PLC-${gamma}$1 in recurrent laryngeal nerve and nodose ganglion.
: 10 rats(71%) in experimental group and 4 rats(38%) in the control group showed recovery of vocal fold motion. Functionally-recoverd rats show PLC-${gamma}$1 positive cells in neuron and ganglion cells after 12 weeks from nerve injury.
: This study shows that PLC1-${gamma}$ involved in singnal trasduction pathway in functinal recovery of injured recurrent laryngeal nerve and PEMF enhance the functional recovery by effect on this molecule.
KEY WORDS: Pulsed electromagnetic stimulation;PLC-$\gamma$1;Recurrent laryngeal nerve;Reinnervation;Functional recovery;Phospholipase C-$\gamma$1(PLC-$\gamma$1);
중심 단어: 반회후두신경;기능회복;
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