Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2001;12(2): 158-160. |
설소대단축증의 수술적 치료로서의 Z-plasty 술식 1례 |
최홍식, 김성수, 한동희, 전희선 |
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실, 음성언어의학연구소 |
A Case of Z-plasty as a Surgical Treatment in Ankyloglossia |
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Ankyloglossia is the presence of a lingual frenulum, which can range from a mucous membrane band to a short and thick band and, in extreme cases, to fusion of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. The effects of such a condition, in addition to speech defects and occasionally restriction of sucking, including dental deformities, such as open bite, or even prognathism. Treatment is surgical. The preferred treatment is horizontal sectioning of the frenulum down to the lingual septum and then suturing of the mucosa. The main problem after the healing of surgical wound is adhesion and contracture. Adhesion restrict the movement of tongue like tongue-tie. Z-plasty at the site of incision can solve this problem by changing the direction of scar. We have experienced a patient with ankyloglossia with speech defect, who underwent frenuloomy by Z-plasty. So we present a surgical treatment of Ankyloglossia using Z-plasty and discuss the treatment with a review of literature. |
Ankyloglossia;Z-plasty; |
중심 단어:
설소대 단축증;Z-성형술; |