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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 12(2); 2001 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2001;12(2): 152-157.
Cannula-typed Silicone Voice Prosthesis(소망$circledR$)의 개발
최홍식, 정은주, 전희선, 문인석, 김영호, 김광문
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실, 음성언어의학연구소
Development of Cannula-typed Silicone Voice Prosthesis(So-Mang$circledR$)
Background : Electrolarynx, Esophageal voice, and Silicone voice prosthesis with tracheoesophageal(T-E) fistula have been used as vocal rehabilitating methods for the post-laryngectomized patients. Prosthetic rehabilitation of voice after total laryngectomy has gained wide acceptance and has become a common practice in many clinics since the pioneering works of Singer and Blom In 1979. Since the introduction of tracheo-esophageal puncture and application of Blom Singer$circledR$ voice prosthesis in 1980, several reliable voice prostheses have been developed and are successfully being used. Objectives : Even though quality of voice produced by Silicone voice prosthesis with T-E fistula is superior to other modalities, it still has some disadvantages. We devised a new cannulatyped silicone voice prosthesis. Methods : 1) Devising a new prototype of cannula-typed silicone voice prosthesis. 2) Application of the prototype using canine animal model(laryngectormized dog) and fitting trial on human patient whose previously inserted Silicone voice prosthesis is not functioning due to presumed fungal infection. Discussion : Final form of prototype was made after several times of major and minor modifications. Insertion of the newly developed Cannula-typed Silicone voice prosthesis on canine animal model and human trial were done without any difficulty. There were no serious leakage of saliva or food during swallowing.
: The newly developed Cannula-typed Silicone voice prosthesis(So-Mang$circledR$) and the modified replacement method will further improve the results of post-laryngectomized prosthetic voice rehabilitation. Long-term animal study and human trial are planned in the near future.
KEY WORDS: Silicone voice prosthesis;Tracheoesophageal fistula;Voice rehabilitation;So-Mang$\circledR$;
중심 단어: 소망;
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