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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 14(1); 2003 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2003;14(1): 5-9.
후두 미세수술과 연관된 구강 및 후두 합병증
강진욱, 최승효, 남순열
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 이비인후과학교실
Oropharyngeal Complications Associated with Laryngomicrosurgery(LMS)
Introduction : Laryngomicrosurgery(LMS) is frequent procedure applying to benign and early malignant larygeal disease such as vocal cord polyp, nodule and early glottic cancer. LMS has been known as safe procedure and short time consuming treatment. So few reports about complications in LMS was done. In this study, complications and problems from LMS were investigated and reported. Method : From 2000, January to 2001, December, 180 patients who were treated with LMS in Asan medical center were studied by retrograde chart review.
: In these patients, total 9 patients(5%) were suffered from complication. 4 patients (2%) had teeth injury and 4(2%) were suffered from foreign body sensation in tongue and 1(1%) had hypoglossal nerve injury. Main mechanism of complications is thought by pressure injury by laryngoscope blade. No definite correlation between procedure and complication was observed.
: There are few neural complications with LMS such as lingual and hypoglossal nerve injury. Before operation of LMS, warning and informing of complications by mechanical stress must be done. Gentle procedure and short operation time are necessary to avoid these problems. And patients who have risk factors of oral complications such as dental disease or dental prosthesis must have dental evaluation and treatment before LMS procedure.
KEY WORDS: Vocal cords;Injury;Hypoglossal nerve;Lingual nerve;Surgery;
중심 단어: 후두 미세수술;합병증;
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