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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 15(1); 2004 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2004;15(1): 43-46.
편측 성대마비에서 Restylane을 이용한 성대내 주입치료 1예 -증 례 보 고-
박태준, 임재열, 서형석, 최홍식
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실, 음성언어의학연구소
Restylane Injection into the Vocal Cord of the Patient with Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis -A Case Report-
Tae-Joon Park, Jae-Yol Lim, Hyung-Seok Seo, Hong-Shik Choi
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, The Institute of Logopedics & Phoniatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine
When a person was suffered from vocal cord paralysis or glottic insufficiency, injection materials (e.g Teflon, Bovine collagen, Autologous fat & tendon, Gelfoam) into the vocal cord have been widely used. But each injection material has some disadvantage. We introduce the Restylane which is composed of a hyaluronic acid, artificially producted. It has advantage of rate foreign body reaction, proper endurance, easy to injection. The patient was 55-year-old woman who showed left vacal cord paralysis after pneumonectomy due to aspergillosis, taken the type I thyroplasty and arytenoid adduction. The middle portion of left vocal cord has some atropic mucosal change, slight chink was noted. The restylane injection into vocal cord was done with suspension laryngoscopy under general anesthesia. In the 3 month follow-up after Restylane injection, the quality of voice has been better progressively. We report a case of Restylane injection as a new method for the improvement of quality of voice.
KEY WORDS: Restylane;Laryngeal injection technique;
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