Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2004;15(2): 141-144. |
후두근전적출술과 Provox 삽입술 후 기관식도발성에 관한 연구 |
최인자, 노영수, 김진환, 안회영 |
한림대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
The Analysis of Tracheoesophageal Voice after Near-Total Laryngectomy and Implantation of Provox Prosthesis |
In-Ja Choi, Young-Soo Choi, Jin-Hwan Kim, Hwoe-Young Ahn |
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Hallym University College of Medicine |
Background and Objectives : To compare acoustic, aerodynamic analysis of voice and intelligibility score in patients with near-total laryngectomy and implantation of Provox prothesis. Material and Methods : In order to evaluate the voice characteristics, acoustic, aerodynamic parameter and speech intelligibility were measured in 5 patients after near-total laryngectomy, 5 patients after implantation of Provox prosthesis with total bility were measured in 5 patients after near-total laryngectomy, 5 patients after implantation of Provox prosthesis with total laryngectomy and 10 adults normal speaker. Acoustic analysis was carried out using CSL and aerodynamic analysis was carried out using Aerophon II. Speech sample was recorded and 10 listener was scored for speech intelligibility using a percentage of words correctly identified. Results. Fundamental frequency($F_0$), intensity, jitter, shimmer, maximal phonation time(MPT), subglottic air pressure were used for parameters for voice analysis. There were no significant difference between two group except on fundamental frequency and shimmer. The fundamental frequency was higher in patients with near-total laryngectomy and shimmer was higher in patients after implantation of Provox prosthesis with total laryngectomy. In addition, speech intelligibility was no significant difference between two groups. Conclusion : This results confirm that near-total laryngectomy and implantation of Provox prosthesis provides good voice rehabilitation. |
Near-total laryngectomy;Provox prothesis;Tracheoesophageal voice; |