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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 18(1); 2007 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2007;18(1): 22-25.
음성신호와 전기성문파를 이용하는 새로운 매개변수 ; 성대 폐쇄 지연비율(Glottal Closure Delay Ratio)
최종민1, 권택균2, 정은정2, 이명철2, 김광현2, 성명훈2, 박광석1
1서울대학교 대학원 협동과정 의용생체공학
2서울대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
New Parameter on Speech and EGG; Glottal Closure Delay Ratio
Jong-Min Choi1, Tack-Kyun Kwon2, Eun-Jung Jung2, Myung-Chul Lee2, Kwang-Hyun Kim2, Myung-Whun Sung2, Kwang-Suk Park1
1Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Engineering, Seoul National University
2Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Seoul National University, College of Medicine
Background and Objectives:
Biomedical signals have been usually used for the diagnosis of the laryngeal function such as speech, electroglottograph(EGG), airflow and other signals. But, in most cases these signals were analysed separately. Here, we propose a new interchannel parameter Glottal Closure Delay Ratio(GCDR) which is estimated from speech and EGG measured simultaneously.
Materials and Method:
Speech and EGG signal were recorded simultaneously from 13 normal subjects, 39 patients. The patients' data included 16 polyps and 23 vocal folds palsy. Time difference between glottal closing instance on EGG and the first maximum peak on speech in a pitch period was calculated. Glottal closing instance was defined as the maximum peak on the first derivative of EGG signal(dEGG).
The standard deviation and jitter were calculated using 20-30 GCDRs extracted from each data, and they are significant different between normal and vocal fold paralysis group.
The GCDR may be the first index reflecting speech and EGG characteristics and the perturbation of this parameter was significant different between normal and vocal fold paralysis group.
KEY WORDS: Clottal closure delay ratio;Speech;EGG;
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