Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2008;19(1): 47-53. |
양성 종괴로 나타나는 후두 질환 |
유명훈, 김상윤, 최승호, 노종렬, 남순열 |
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 이비인후과학교실 |
Unusual Benign Neoplasms of the Larynx |
Myung-Hoon Yoo, Sang-Yoon Kim, Seung-Ho Choi, Jong-Lyel Roh, Soon-Yuhl Nam |
Department of Otolaryngology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine |
Background and Objectives : Benign neoplasms of the larynx are rare, and papillomas account for approximately 90% of these neoplasms. Other benign neoplasms of the larynx are very rare and form a hetergenous group. We present clinical manifestations of unusual benign neoplasms based on our experiences and review of literatures. Materials and Method : We reviewed retrospectively the clinical records of 14 patients with benign neoplasms of the larynx, excluding papillomas, that were examined in our department during 11-year period from 1995 to 2006. Results : The presenting symptom was most commonly progressive dysphonia. Pathologic diagnosis revealed 5 cases of hemangioma, 3 granular cell tumor, 2 amyloidosis, 2 laryngocele, 1 schwannoma, 1 chondroma. Subsites of the neoplasms were 5 in true vocal cord, 3 in arytenoids, 2 in false vocal cord, 2 in supraglottis, and others were subglottis ; aryepiglottic fold. Treatment was surgical, by a external approach in 1 case of chondroma, and by laryngoscopic approach in other cases. In laryngoscopic approach, carbon dioxide laser was used in 10 cases. Postoperative course was satisfactory. Recurrence was encountered in I case of amyloidosis and revision operation was done 3 times. No recurrence was encountered in other cases. Conclusion : Uncommon benign neoplasms of the larynx require high index of suspicion and histological confirmation. Complete excision with an attempt to maintain normal structures generally results in cure. |
Larynx;Neoplasms;Benign; |
중심 단어:
후두;종양;양성; |