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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 20(1); 2009 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2009;20(1): 25-30.
외래에서 시행되는 585 nm 펄스다이레이져 후두수술
예송이비인후과 음성센터
Office-Based 585 nm Pulsed Dye Laser(PDL) Laryngeal Surgery
Hyung-Tae Kim
Yeson Voice Center
Introduction: 585 nm Pulsed dye laser (PDL) laryngeal surgery is based on the photodynamic characteristics of selective photothermolysis and photoangiolysis and recently considered to be the treatment for a variety of benign laryngeal disease. Objective: To review the indications and outcome of office-based 585nm PDL surgery and summarize new developments. Method: Retrospective study involving 402 patients was performed, The PDL surgery could be applied to various laryngeal diseases such as laryngeal papilloma, vocal fold dysplasia, laryngeal granuloma, vocal polyp, capillarectasia, scarred vocal fold and sulcus vocalis.
: The physiologic properties of the vascular specificity of PDL provide many advantages and appear to be effective for laryngeal treatment. The PDL resulted in precise, selective coagulation of the microvasculature without damage to the surrounding tissue. Therefore PDL surgery is safe and effective for office-based treatment of benign laryngeal disease and for all patients regardless of their overall medical condition.
PDL surgery provides potential benefits and advantage for treating common benign laryngeal disease.
KEY WORDS: Pulsed dye laser;Laryngeal surgery;Benigh laryngeal disease;
중심 단어: 펄스다이레이져;후두수술;양성성대질환;
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