Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2009;20(1): 47-51. |
성대낭종의 임상적 특성 |
조영주, 양윤수, 윤용주, 권삼현, 홍기환 |
전북대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실 |
Clinical Characteristics of the Intracordal Cysts |
Young-Ju Cho, Yoon-Su Yang, Yong-Joo Yoon, Sam-Hyun Kwon, Ki-Hwan Hong |
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School |
Background and Objectives: Intracordal cysts may occur secondary to voice abuse and overuse or may be secondary to a remnant of epithelium trapped within the lamina propria. They may occur spontaneously or may be associated with poor vocal hygiene. As the cyst enlarges it can start to significantly affect the vibratory region of the vocal fold. With the advancement of the microsurgical technique and the laryngeal stroboscopy, correct diagnosis of intracordal cyst have been increased. The aims of this study is to review the important clinical characteristics of the intracordal cyst. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 212 cases of the intracordal cysts were treated by the microsurgical technique. These lesions were diagnosed before the operation with indirect laryngoscopy, laryngeal endoscopy, laryngeal stroboscopy and confirmed with the findings observed during operations and the results of the biopsies. Results : The intracordal cysts were 212 cases in the 4,20 I patients who underwent laryngeal microsurgery (5.04%). Ductal cysts were 156 cases and epidermoid cysts were 56 cases. The lesions are more frequent in women and anterior third of true vocal cord is more frequently involved site. With the preoperative laryngoscopic examination, the intracordal cysts were mostly misdiagnosed as other disease of the vocal cord such as vocal polyps or nodules. And main cause of intracordal cysts was thought of vocal abuse. From view of the surgical approach, Ductal cysts was difficult to remove completely than epidermoid cyst without cystic wall rupture. Conclusion : Intracordal cysts are very similar to the other mucosal disorders of the vocal cord and it may be misdiagnosed as vocal polyps or nodules, frequently. Therefore careful preoperative examinations for the vocal cord lesions with stroboscopy and other endoscopic instruments are important part of the correct diagnosis. An ideal treatment is enucleation of the cysts without rupture of the cystic wall or injury of the lamina propria. And marsupialization is meaningful to ductal cyst that cannot be enucleated completely. |
Intracordal cyst;Ductal cyst;Epidermoid cyst; |
중심 단어:
성대낭종;저류낭종;유포피낭종; |