Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2009;20(1): 42-46. |
후두미세수술 전후의 성대 용종 및 결절 환자의 음성분석 |
홍종철1, 이강대2, 김우성2, 장애란3, 김경아3, 권순복4 |
1동아대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 2고신대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 3고신대학교 의과대학 언어치료실 4부산대학교 인문대학 언어정보학과학교실 |
Voice Analysis of Vocal Polyp and Vocal Nodule Before and after Microlaryngeal Surgery |
Jong-Chul Hong1, Kang-Dae Lee2, Woo-Sung Kim2, Ae-Lan Jang3, Kyung-A Kim3, Soon-Bok Kwon4 |
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Dong-A University 2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Kosin University 3Speech Voice Clinic, College of Medicine, Kosin University 4Department of Language and Information, College of Humanities, Pusan National University |
Background and Objectives : Vocal polyps and nodules are representative chronic benign laryngeal disease. Treatment options for vocal polyp and nodule in general include voice therapy or laryngeal microsurgery. The purpose of this study was to analyze voice results before and after laryngeal microsurgery. Materials and Method: Vocal polyp and vocal nodule patients were treated by laryngeal microsurgery from March 2004 to December 2006 at Kosin University Hospital. All were women. Voice analysis studies were done before and after laryngeal microsurgery. Five measurements were performed: MPT, Fo, jitter, shimmer and NHR. Results: There was significant improvement in the vocal polyp patients regarding MPT, jitter, shimmer and NHR. Also there was significant improvement in the vocal nodule patients regarding MPT, jitter and shimmer. Conclusion: MPT, jitter, shimmer and NHR will be effective acoustic parameters in documenting the quantitative changes in the vocal polyp patients. MPT, jitter and shimmer will be effective acoustic parameters in documenting the quantitative changes in the vocal nodule patients before and after laryngeal microsurgery. |
Laryngeal microsurgery;Vocal polyp;Vocal nodule;Voice analysis; |
중심 단어:
후두 미세 수술;성대 용종;성대 결절;음성 분석; |