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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 20(2); 2009 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2009;20(2): 105-109.
후두의 말초 운동신경 지배
우승훈, 김진평
경상대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실, 건강과학연구원
Peripheral Motor Innervation of the Larynx
Seung-Hoon Woo, Jin-Pyeong Kim
Department of Otolaryngology and Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University
The laryngeal peripheral nerve system is presented on the basis of our results in the animal. This present paper forcused on the localization of each laryngeal motoneuron, the myotopical arrangements of motoneurons innervating the pharyngeal and esophageal striated muscles whitin the nucleus ambiguous in the motor nerve supply, and the pathway to the larynx in the sensory and symphathetic nerve supplies. Regarding the parasympathetic nerve supply, the neural ganglia and the ganglionic cells in and around the laryngeal nerves and in the laryngeal framework are demonstrated. Most of this innervations, however, is still unclear. In addition, we presented about external branch of superior laryngeal nerve and inferior laryngeal nerve. Discuss from the literature are also reported.
KEY WORDS: Motor innervation;Larynx;
중심 단어: 운동신경;후두;
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