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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 21(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2010;21(1): 32-36.
Plasma Gel을 이용한 성대 주입술의 예비적 보고
안성용, 이홍경, 김진평, 박정제, 주연희, 이은재, 우승훈
경상대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
Preliminary Reports of Injection Laryngoplasty with Plasma Gel
Seong-Yong Ahn, Hong-Kyoung Lee, Jin-Pyeong Kim, Jeong-Je Park, Yeon-Hee Joo, Eun-Jae Lee, Seung-Hoon Woo
Department of Otolaryngology and Institute of Health Sciences
Background : Vocal fold injection using autologous material (fat or collagen) is very useful. However, Autologous material have variable resorption times and results, Plasma gel is a new injection material. The purpose of this study is to introduce a new injection material and discuss the effectiveness and complications. Subjects and Method: Eleven cases with vocal cord paralysis were analyzed after plasma gel injection, The plasma gel was acquired from patient's own blood. The preoperative and postoperative parameters including maximum phonation time (MPT) and subject aspiration score were analyzed.
There was a significant improvement in MPT and aspiration score in the case of vocal cord palsy. There was only one laryngeal complication.
: According to these preliminary results, the injection laryngoplasty with Plasma gel is a simple, safe, cheap procedure for temporally vocal fold palsy.
KEY WORDS: Vocal cord palsy;Laryngoplasty;Acoustical analysis;
중심 단어: 성대마비;후두성형술;음향분석;
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