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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 22(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2011;22(1): 23-29.
현수 후두미세수술과 관련된 합병증
손희영1, 우승훈2, 김진평2
1동남권원자력의학원 갑상선/두경부암센터
2경상대학교 건강과학연구원, 의학전문대학원 이비인후과학교실
Complications in Microsuspension Laryngoscopy
Hee-Young Son1, Seung-Hoon Woo2, Jin-Pyeong Kim2
1Department of Otolaryngology, Thyroid/Head & Neck Cancer Center of the Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (DIRAMS)
2Department of Otolaryngology, Medical School, Health Institute, Gyeongsang National University
Laryngomicrosurgery is common procedure applying to benign laryngeal lesion. Suspension of the laryngoscope is a vital component of Laryngomicrosurgery. Suspension laryngoscopy allows for bimanual surgery and a stable operating platform. Little information is known about oropharyngeal & vocal fold complications of suspension laryngoscopy. Because laryngomicrosurgery is dependent upon suspension laryngoscopy, surgeons should fully understand the risks of suspension laryngoscopy to properly educate and care for patients undergoing suspension laryngoscopy. That is problem to allow otolaryngologist is embarrassing, for voice restoration surgery are not satisfied with the results. The authors reviewed mechanical and phonological complications after laryngomicrosurgery.
KEY WORDS: Laryngomicrosurgery;Laryngoscopy;Complication;
중심 단어: 후두미세수술;합병증;성대반흔;
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