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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 23(1); 2012 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2012;23(1): 33-42.
운동성 조음장애에서 폐쇄자음 발성의 음향학적 특성
홍희경1, 김문준2, 윤진2, 박희택2, 홍기환2
1전북대학교 의과대학 임상언어병리학교실
2전북대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
Acoustic Characteristics of Stop Consonant Production in the Motor Speech Disorders
Hee-Kyung Hong1, Moon-Jun Kim2, Jin Yoon2, Hee-Taek Park2, Ki-Hwan Hong2
1Department of Clinical Speech Pathology, College of Medicine, Chonbuk National University
2Otolaryngology-HNS, College of Medicine, Chonbuk National University
Background and Objectives
: Dysarthria refers to speech disorder that causes difficulties in speech communication due to paralysis, muscle weakening, and incoordination of speech muscle mechanism caused by damaged central or peripheral nerve system. Pitch, strength and speed are influenced by dysarthria during detonation due to difficulties in muscle control. As evaluation items, alternate motion rate and diadochokinesis have been commonly used, and articulation is also an important evaluation items. The purpose of this study is to find acoustic characteristics on sound production of dysarthria patients.
Materials and Method
s : Research subjects have been selected as 20 dysarthria patients and 20 subjects for control group, and voice sample was composed of bilabial, alveolar sound, and velar sound in diadochokinetic rate, while consonant articulation test was composed of bilabial plosive, alveolar plosive, velar plosive. Analysis items were composed of 1) speaking rate, energy, articulation time of diadochokinesis, 2) voice onset time (VOT), total duration (TD), vowel duration (VD), hold of plosives.
s : The number of diadochokinetic rate of dysarthria was smaller than control group. Both control group and dysarthria group was highly presented in the order of /t/>/p/>/k/. Minimum energy range per cycle during diadochokinetic rate of dysarthria group was smaller than control group, and presented statistical significance in /p/, /k/, /ptk/. Maximum energy range was larger than control group, and presented statistical significance in /t/, /ptk/. Articulation time, gap, total articulation time during diadochokinetic rate of dysarthria group was longer than control group and presented statistical significance. The articulation time was presented in both control group and dysarthria group in the order of /k/>/t/>/p/, while Gap was presented in the order of /p/>/t/>/k/ for control group and /p/>/k/>/t/ for dysarthria group. VOT, TD, VD regarding plosives of dysarthria group were longer than control group. Hold showed large deviation compared to control group that had appeared due to declined larynx and articulation organ motility.
KEY WORDS: Motor speech disorders;Stop consonant;
중심 단어: 운동성 조음장애;폐쇄자음;
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