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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 24(2); 2013 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2013;24(2): 107-111.
Development of Two-Dimensional Scanning Videokymography for Analysis of Vocal Fold Vibration
Soo-Geun Wang1, Byung-Joo Lee1, Jin-Choon Lee1, Yun-Sung Lim1, Young Min Park1, Hee-June Park1, Jung-Hoon Roh2, Gye-Rok Jeon2, Soon-Bok Kwon3, Bum-Joo Shin4
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Pusan National University School of Medicine and Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan National University
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pusan National University
3Language and Information, Pusan National University
4Applied IT and Engineering, College of Natural Resource and Life Science, Pusan National University
Objectives : We developed two-dimensional (2D) scanning videokyomography to evaluate the mucosal wave of whole vocal cords in real time to overcome the limit of preexisting stroboscopy and line scanning videokymography which could not evaluate it. Methods : We implemented a continuous light source with high brightness, a high-definition CMOS camera, and capture board for saving the data. We created the software program to analyze the image data from the system. The test of the functionality of the 2D scanning videokymography camera was performed in one of the authors (P.H.J 32 years old male). Vocal cord images were obtained during normal phonation and falsetto phonation. Images were obtained also during cough, diplophonia.
: The system made it possible to measure objective parameters, including fundamental frequency, amplitude, regularity, mucosal wave, and phase difference, medial and lateral peak, opening versus closing duration related to vocal fold vibration. Simultaneously, it enabled analysis of the whole mucosal wave of the entire vocal fold in real time. 2D scanning videokymography was also effective for evaluating the dynamic status of the vocal fold when the subject phonated aperiodic voice.
: In conclusion, 2D scanning videokymography can support the analysis of the whole mucosal wave of the entire vocal cord with objective vocal parameters, overcoming the limitations of stroboscopy and previous line scanning videokymography techniques.
KEY WORDS: Videokymography;Vocal fold;Vibration;
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