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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 11(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2000;11(1): 28-31.
술 후 재발한 염증성 성대 병변의 임상 양상
김영선1, 김진호1, 박문규1, 유홍균1, 오준환1, 최종욱2
1대전 선병원 이비인후-두경부외과2고려대학교 의과대학 이비인후-두경부외과학교실
Clinical Analysis of Recurrence in Inflammatory Laryngeal Disease after Laryngomicrosurgery
Microscopic surgery of the larynx normally have a low recurrence rate. However, once they do recur, it is uneasy to manage recurrent diseases. Recurrence is often the result of inappropriate postoperative care and voice management. Out of the 764 patients operated for benign inflammatory laryngeal diseases, we have conducted a clinical analysis of 54 cases who have had at least one episode of recurrence after the initial treatment with laryngomicrosurgery (7.1% of recurrence rate). High risk groups for recurrence were determined, and they were related to cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, laryngopharyngeal reflux. From our experience and literature review, we conclude that pre- and postoperative patient education concerning these risk factors and voice usage Is of critical need to prevent recurrence of inflammatory laryngeal lesions after laryngomicrosurgery.
KEY WORDS: Laryngomicrosurgery;Recurrence;
중심 단어: 염증성 성대병변;재발;후두미세수술;
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