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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 17(1); 2006 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2006;17(1): 14-16.
성악인에서 발성 시 음의 높낮이에 따른 성도 길이의 변화
반재호, 김창규, 이상혁, 이경철, 진성민
성균관대학교 의과대학 강북삼성병원 이비인후과학교실
The Change of the Length of Vocal Tract in Singers according to the Phonation at Different Levels of Pitch
Jae-Ho Ban, Chang-Gyu Kim, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Kyung-Chul Lee, Sung-Min Jin
Department of Otolaryngology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University
Background and Objectives:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of vocal tract length according to the level of the pitch by the singers.
Materials and Methods:
Fifteen tenors were asked to produce successive /a/ sound in G4(382Hz) for the head register, C3(131Hz) for the chest register and usual speaking sound. The control group consisted of 15 males of an similar age who are not professional singers. The length of vocal tract was calculated by applying the formula of Fn=(2n-1) c/4L(F : formant frequency, c : the speed of sound in the vocal tract(350m/sec), L : length of vocal tract, $n=1,2,3,4,{ldots}{infty}$).
In singer's group, there showed no significant statistical difference of length among head and chest register and usual speaking sound. However in the control group, there showed statistically significant difference of length. Comparison of the absolute difference in the length of vocal tract by changing level of pitch in phonation, between the control group and the singers group. Changing from G4 phonation to C3 phonation and C3 phonation to usual speaking sound showed statistically difference of vocal tract length was less in the singers group than the control group.
The change of vocal tract length, in either speaking or singing, was less in singers than the control group. We could assume that the singers maintain their larynx position constantly throughout the pitch range when phonation.
KEY WORDS: Singer;Vocal tract;Resonance;
중심 단어: 성악인;성도;공명;
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