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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 18(1); 2007 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2007;18(1): 26-32.
후두 스트로보스코프 검사의 신호 동기화를 위한 진동 검출기의 유용성
이진춘1, 이병주1, 왕수건1, 노정훈2, 권순복3, 조철우4
1부산대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
2부산대학교 의과대학 의공학교실
3부산대학교 인문대학 언어정보학교실
4창원대학교 공과대학 제어계측학과
Usefullness of the Vibration Pick-Up in Detection of Pitch for Synchronization of Laryngeal Stroboscopy
Jin-Choon Lee1, Byung-Joo Lee1, Soo-Geun Wang1, Jung-Hoon Roh2, Sun-Bok Kwon3, Cheol-Woo Jo4
1Department of Otolaryngology, Busan University
2Department of Biomedical Engineering College of Medicine Busan University
3Department of Linguistics, College of Humanities, Busan University
4Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, College of Engineering, Changwon National University
Objective and Background: Laryngeal stroboscope is an useful equipment in evaluation of vocal cord vibration and in early detection of mucosal lesion including invasive cancer of the vocal cord. Recently Lee et al. (2006) developed portable stroboscope using voice as synchronization signal. It has been frequently impaired ability to synchronize the flashes even in normal female. Authors tried to investigate various methods including vibration pick-up, microphone, laryngeal microphone, and contact microphone for development of simple and accurate method like electroglottograph signal. The purpose of this study was to estimate wheher the vibration pick-up is available and is consistent with the signal of EGG. Subjects and
Authors compared the signals between EGG and noncontact method such as voice, contact methods including vibration pick-up, laryngeal microphone, and contact microphone in normal twenty adults (male 10 and female 10). The number of peak in one cycle was compared with the number of the peak in EGG, and the percent of phase difference in the peak was compared with EGG Also, authors tried to investigate which site of vibration pick-up was most effective for synchronization of stobo flashes. Three site including anterior neck below the cricoid cartilage, thyroid ala, and suprahyoid region were analysed.
Among various methods for synchronization of strobo flashes, vibration pick-up was most effective method in peak detection. And anterior neck below cricoid cartilage was the most available site of the vibration pick-up.
Authors suggest that vibration pick-up is most available and effective method for synchronization of strobo flashes.
KEY WORDS: Stroboscopy;Vibration;
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