Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2008;19(2): 136-141. |
인후두 역류환자에서 이동성 24시간 이중 탐침 산도 검사와 인후두 역류 소견 점수와의 상관관계 |
박영대1, 강대운1, 이진춘1, 이병주1, 왕수건1, 김광하2 |
1부산대학교 의학전문대학원 이비인후과학교실 2부산대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실 |
Relationship between Ambulatory 24-hour Double Probe pH Monitoring and Reflux Finding Score in Patients with LPR |
Young-Dae Park1, Dae-Woon Kang1, Jin-Choon Lee1, Byung-Joo Lee1, Soo-Geun Wang1, Gwang-Ha Kim2 |
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Pusan National University School of Medicine 2Department of Internal Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine |
Background and Objectives: Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a very common disease among outpatients of department of otorhinolaryngology. Although there are several diagnostic tools for LPR disease and ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring is gold standard method, empirical diagnosis by reflux symptom index and reflux finding score (RFS) are mainly used. So we analyzed the relationship between ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring and RFS in patients with LPR. Subjective and Method: Fifty patients with LPR symptoms and abnormal RFS and ambulatory 24-hour double probe monitoring were enrolled. Each items and sum of laryngeal reflux score were compared the results of ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring in upper (UES) and lower (LES) esophageal sphincter. Results: There were no significant correlation between the results of ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring in UES (pH<4 and pH<5) and each item and sum of RFS. However, supine time and reflux number of UES (pH<5) were showed the partial correlations with diffuse laryngeal edema and thick endolaryngeal mucus (p=0.03, p=0.01). Although there were no relationship between the results of ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring in LES and sum of RFS, the significant correlations presented between granuloma and total time (p=0.008), upright time (p=0.008, reflux number (p=0.049) of LES. Conclusion: Although granuloma among items of RFS showed significantly correlation with the results of ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring in LES, there were no significant correlation between the results of ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring in UES and LES and items and sum of RFS. |
Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease;Reflux finding score;Ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH-monitoring; |
중심 단어:
인후두역류;역류소견점수;이동성 24시간;이중탐침산도 검사; |