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J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop > Volume 25(1); 2014 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics 2014;25(1): 16-19.
노인성 음성의 임상양상
백민관, 김동영
가천대학교 의학전문대학원 이비인후-두경부외과학교실
Clinical Manifestation of Aging Voice
Min-Kwan Baek, Dong Young Kim
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Gachon University, Gil Medical Center
The presbyphonia is a combination of physiological and structural changes due to aging of the larynx in elderly patients with voice problems. Some of these changes are inevitable, while others may be avoidable or reversible. The fatigue of phonation is the most common clinical symptom of the aging voice. The voice problems with aging are produced from variable causes including the organic lesions of the larynx. It is essential that the curers understand physiologic and pathologic changes of aging voice for minimizing glottal incompetence and improving vocal performance and quality of life of the elderly.
KEY WORDS: Presbyphonia;Aging;Larynx;Elderly;
중심 단어: 노인성 음성;음성장애;노화;후두;
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