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Soo Yeon JungEwha Womans Univ., Korea
Assistant Editor
Yong Tae HongJeonbuk National Univ., Korea
Editorial Boards
Yeon Soo KimKonyang Univ., Korea
Ji Hoon KimYonsei Univ., Korea
Ki Nam ParkSoonchunhyang Univ., Korea
Myung Jin BanSoonchunhyang Univ., Korea
Eui Suk SungPusan National Univ., Korea
Hee Young SonDongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, Korea
Kyoung Ho OhKorea Univ., Korea
Gil Joon LeeKyungpook National Univ., Korea
Dong Kun LeeDong-A Univ., Korea
Young Chan LeeKyung Hee Univ., Korea
Jeon Yeob JangAjou Univ., Korea

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Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics, Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine.
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